Motivation is KEY to Success

The Best MOTIVATIONAL video I’ve seen.
This is a must watch EVERYONE!!
Because YOU are Brock.
Because YOU are the Coach.
Because I want you to KNOW that you are a LEADER!!

You need to know in your heart that you can do anything you want.  You need to be strong, stay positive and keep moving forward.  There is nothing in this world that can stop you from being who you want to be, only YOU can stop you.  If your WHY is strong, there is no obstacles that you cannot over come.  CAN’T is not a word you should use.  Write down YOUR why, keep it close to you at all times, take a picture of your why and look at it every day.  DO NOT EVER GIVE UP!!  Everyone has bad days, but that is all in YOUR head.  If you change something it will turn your day into a GOOD day.  DO NOT let anyone ever tell you that you cannot do something you want to do.  THIS IS YOUR LIFE NOT THERE’S!!  This is your dream!  This is your why!  Not any one else s….it is all yours.

Beautiful Rockies

WhiteSwan Lake

My daughter and I moved to Kimberley, BC three years ago and there are so many beautiful places around here to visit.  It is a photographers dream!  We moved here to start a new life and have fallen even more in love with the area after going 4×4 ing last summer.  This year we will buy a new truck so that we can continue exploring the area and go back to some of our favorite spots.  

GlacierOne of the places we will go this year will be back up to this little lake WAY up in the bush.  Yes this is a glacier and it is there all year round!!  It is beautiful up here and takes a 4×4 to be able to get up the road.  That year during spring run off the road was washed out so I didn’t make it up so keeping fingers crossed that this year we can make it.  It is a full day to go up here and you really have to watch out for black bears, grizzly bear, cougar, wolves, moose and elk.  Of course there are deer everywhere, white tale and mule deer.  Yes we live practically in the wilderness as we do get these beautiful animals practically on our door step.  Last summer we had a momma grizzly with her cub hanging around one block from our house.  She also took down an elk on a path very close to our place.

Meechum Falls

Meechum FallsThis is Meechum Falls coming back down from the Glacier I always make a stop here.  It is not somewhere to be silly and not aware of your surroundings.  I’ve run into bears on the walk into this majestic view.  Also the rocks are very slippery from the moss so you really don’t want to get too close to the edge on the top picture.  This bottom picture you have to walk down another path and step up onto a HUGE boulder.  This is cracked and a tree actually grows through it (not too sure if its very safe) but we go on here to take pictures.  This year I want to remember rope and hang more over the edge for that perfect shot!!  I’ve picked out a tree to tie onto…should be a GREAT adrenaline rush!!

I’ll post more pictures of my beautiful area another day!!


Changing Lives The Natural Way

Pebbles In The Sand

Changing Lives The Natural Way

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Changing Lives The Natural Way

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