Category Archives: Business/Home-Based

Do The 90 Day Challenge

Our mission is to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals.

2017-02-28 09.26.442017-02-28 09.27.13With our company and products it is a Win-Win for everyone, including the environment.  Backed by scientific proof, our products are top quality and save you money.  They also, help save the environment because they are Eco-friendly, condensed, natural products.  With the 90 day money back guarantee, you really cannot lose by seeing what these products can do for you and your family.  We can talk about this until the cows come home, however this is something you really need to see and experience for yourself.

There are a few ways to learn more about what we are so excited about:

  1. Check out my website: click here
  2. Join a presentation by messaging me: Message Here
  3. Or you can also email me:



Membership With Benefits


gina morris membership

Have you checked how many discount cards, membership cards and points cards you have in your wallet lately?  Are you feeling weighed down by all the renewal fees you need to pay every year to save 2% on your shopping at Costco and other stores who charge you yearly membership fees?  I don’t have all those cards, I don’t need them and I save 30-50 % on my shopping without using those cards.  Keep reading if you want to know how you can have a membership with benefits and the only cost for membership is $19.

You are still here, that is awesome, that means I have piqued your interest in saving money and taking some of those membership cards out of your wallet.  It does not have to be complicated and cost your family money.  Let’s look at how Costco works with their membership.  Based on the cash-back reward alone, to make the membership fee worth it you’d need to spend $2,750 a year to get back your extra $55 membership fee. That breaks down to just under $230 a month.  However, you can change stores and start saving 30-50% on products that are safe for your family and the environment.  That is just one part of the savings you can get.  Our store is like a huge mall with many levels and stores.  In the one store we have a wide selection of over 500 products.  These are things you would use every day, such at tooth polish, soap, shampoo, cleaning products and coffee, just to name a few.  Then on another level we have the market place where you can save 5% and more at stores such as Zales, Pet Smart, Home Depot, Clothing stores for men & women.  Need house insurance, going on a vacation, looking to save money on your cell phone bill? We have the whole mall with our store and all for $19 membership.

Makes sense to start saving up to 50% on all your purchases you make for your home doesn’t it.  Guess what, I don’t have that membership card in my wallet!  This is ALL digital.  I do this from my computer at home.  Does Costco give you savings like that? Or any other store?

Now what if you decide you want to make some extra income to pay off your mortgage, be a stay at home parent or perhaps be able to retire earlier, you can run this as a business also.  Just like thousands of other families that have simply changed stores, we are changing lives of many.  Please listen in on this recorded call (701) 901-1267 , it will only take a few minutes of your time.  If you want to learn more about what we are doing leave a detailed message, that includes your phone number and the best time to call you including your time zone, on my page: Healthy Lifestyle

We would love to help your family save money and have a healthier lifestyle.


Have a wonderful day,

Gina Morris

Healthy Lifestyle


healthy lifestyle family

If you currently own a small business I need you!
I have two plans.
**Plan A:
We share referrals between our companies and my company pays you a 7% residual commission
on the referrals you send me plus I refer my customers to your business.
No investment required or time on your part.

**Plan B:
You put 5-10 hours a week in working with me and my company pays you up to 20% commission,
referral bonus, and advancement bonuses, plus I refer my customers to your business.
No investment, inventory, taking orders or making deliveries, billing or collections.
We do it all for you. We are 31 years old and have a proven 96% reorder rate.

Private message me Plan A or Plan B. Its that easy!!!!

Gina Morris

Healthy Lifestyle


10 Reasons To Work From Home


  1.  Have that extra coffee in the morning.  Enjoy working from home and relax.  You shouldn’t feel stressed and pushed into doing anything you don’t want to do.  The reason you chose to work from home is to be your own boss.  Being your own boss means that you create your own rules for working from home.  There still might be some rules you need to follow in life so the police don’t come knocking though.  LOL But seriously, relax and enjoy that extra cup of coffee in the morning.
  2. Save on clothing by wearing what you want to wear.  Now this can be taken a few different ways.  Some people feel comfortable wearing their pj’s all day, some wear sweat pants, and others might get dressed in more business like clothing. Wear what makes you feel comfortable, but also gives off a good feel for potential customers.  You know what they would expect.  Don’t dress like a slob, make sure you shave and shower.  Be presentable and you will feel more business minded.
  3.  Have more time for family and friends.  Take that time to go to different events at your child’s school, sports activities, when they come home from school be there to chat with them.  Call friends up and treat them to a coffee or long chat on the phone. You chose to work from home so you have more freedom to spend with family and friends. Make sure you don’t get caught up in being on-line too much and forget about family and friends.  Take that time to do something fun, laugh and re-connect.
  4. Your office can be anywhere, this means take your computer and go outside.  Get some fresh air and set up your back yard in the summer as an office.  You will notice that you will feel happier and more alive.  Take advantage of going to the beach, sit under a tree, go to a park.  Use your technology as it should be used, grab a tablet or cellphone and leave the house.  The idea of having an office anywhere is to change your scenery.  Make things more fun and creative.
  5. Set your own business hours.  Do set a schedule, this can be flexible, so that you can get done as much as you want to during the day.  Make sure that you set time for yourself, your family and friends.  Never feel like you need to pull all-night work, do what you feel is right for you.  Never let someone pressure you into doing what you don’t want to do.  If you only want to work 6 hours or 2 hours a day that is up to you.
  6. You have the potential to make more money working from home.  There are many people becoming very wealthy by working from home.  Some people do this rather quickly and others take longer.  One thing you need to remember is to always keep trying and never quit.  Do your research and connect with people who have the same goals as you and work with them.
  7. Once you have a home business you can start using more tax breaks than you could before.  This is something you should speak to your tax specialist about in your area.  Being prepared is important so that you can save receipts for everything your tax specialist says you can write off.  Every area is different.
  8. Travel can be something you can do more of when you are working from home.  Especially if you are working on-line as your work is portable as long as you have internet access.  Remember this can also be used as a tax rebate perhaps.  So take advantage of seeing different parts of your area and take more day trips.  Expand outwards to get to see and do more.  Take photographs and share your experiences and fun!
  9. Debt can be paid off so much faster.  As your home business grows and you get those big company bonuses you can be applying that to student loans, vehicle, or mortgage.  All debt can be paid off so much faster!  There are not many people who work a normal job that get huge $20,000+ bonuses from the company for doing a great job.  So working from home can get you out of debt that much faster.
  10. Freedom!  This is the most important one of all 🙂  Having your own home based business gives you so much more freedom.  You have the time to spend with family and friends.  Freedom is something that gives you so much happiness in your life that you are healthier.  Stress is gone.


Have a wonderful day!

If you like this article make sure you share it with your friends.

Thanks 🙂

Gina Morris


Wolf or Sheep


When my sisters and I were little, our Mom would read to us all these wonderful stories.  All the old nursery rhymes, some time later as mothers ourselves we have read these stories to our children.  Did you ever wonder, as an adult, about these stories?  What the context means and does it affect our lives having read these stories as a young child. Children’s brains are like sponges and absorb everything they hear, see, smell, taste, touch. This is what makes us all the individual people we are today.  Over the years scientists have suggested that by playing music, talking, reading to our babies in the womb, that we can ‘create’ smarter kids.  Toys were made to stimulate the brain, by using colour, sound and texture.  As adults, we have evolved to where we are today, in a modern, technical world.  Some of us work normal 9-5 jobs and are satisfied with life being that way.  Others are constantly fighting to get to the top.  Then there are those that work on educating themselves to create a lifestyle of the rich and famous.  Personal development comes into our lives and we work from home.  So what is the root of these changes in some people?  Does it all begin from being a baby and what we were surrounded with? Or is are we pre-disposed to become wolves or sheep?

Robert Kiyosaki says, “When you are young, work to learn, not to earn.”  He also talks about educating ourselves and children about money.  Money is not taught in schools, yet it is an important part of our lives as we get older.  Robert was taught at a young age by his biological father and an ‘adopted’ father.  Robert is a very successful motivational speaker, author and entrepreneur.  He has thousands of followers on social media, thousands of people who have bought his books and attended his live seminars.  So would you put Robert in the category of a wolf and yourself as a sheep because you follow him?  In this article we will define both.  Wolf is the leader of the pack and sheep are the people who follow the wolf.  In today’s society being a wolf might mean that you are a red, a dominant person.  Yellow would definitely mean follower, blue have some initiative and green you’d be closer to red but not as in people’s faces.  The following chart will help guide you in where you may fit.


Many years ago I was told that I am a bit complicated as I fit into two categories.  Yellow and Blue.  I was not impressed as I thought that by fitting into those two categories would mean that success would not come to me.  However, I have done even more personal development over the years and learned that you don’t need to put yourself into a specific category.  Wolf, sheep, red, blue, yellow or green.  A yellow can be a leader just as well as a red and a sheep can lead people just as well as a wolf.

So now you are asking yourself but how can this be, it doesn’t conform to what society does.  Are you ready for this?  Okay, think about the people in your life that you envy, people that you would love to be your mentor.  What qualities attract you to them?  Now take a look at your life and do a quick comparison. What is stopping you from being a leader?  Do you think you are a sheep and not a wolf?

In Network Marketing and MLM, you will see many wolves and sheep.  The wolves have a huge following of sheep, we call them sheeple.  These wolves join a company and bring their sheeple with them, and they grow this following fast for the present business.  They will do webinars, tons of videos, send out messages on social media, email marketing and create a lot of excitement.  This excitement brings in new sheep and along the way a few wolves are added to the pack.  The sheep are put all together and taught what to do, they follow the pecking order and obey the leader.  Meanwhile, the wolf picks out a few select sheep/wolves and become best buddies.  The training for these people is much different as they are being groomed to branch off the main leader to create a new following.  The big wolf in most cases will create about a dozen leaders and each leader will have a following of about 2000 followers.  This is a well thought out process to create a strong team.  All these leaders bring their immediate followers with them, immediate meaning the ones who worked harder than the rest.  Immediate followers are groomed, they are looked after and well protected by the leader.  They are hand picked to help the leader(s) reach the top of the company VERY fast. Once this is done, the leaders meet in private to discuss their new business venture.  Once they have selected a new business to join they will discuss this with a few of the sheep.  Now this is where it turns, if the sheep decide to follow, they now will become a part of the pack.  They could even possibly be groomed to become a wolf/leader if they can show they have a good number of followers.

Where am I going with all this?

I don’t like doing business like that.  I treat everyone equally.  I strongly believe that everyone deserves a chance at being successful.  The above scenario truly does happen and much too often people are used for the gains of others.  What a rotten way to treat people! I suppose that is why I decided that it was time to write this as it really bothered me seeing people treated with such disrespect.   Quite often these leaders actually are directed by corporate people to do business like that.  Shameful tactics to bring quick money to the corporation. Well, I am here to let you know that does not have to play out like that. You just need to be aware of the poor business practices of a large percentage of the companies out there.  If you are wanting to be part of an honest business that everyone works together, then you need to make sure you do your homework.  Don’t just jump into something because it is cheap.  Make sure you understand and know the person you are speaking to and how they can help you.

Some important questions you may want to consider:


Wolf or Sheep?

Doesn’t really matter, except for your own personal satisfaction.

Do you want to be successful and be respected?

Or do you want to take people down and rip them apart?

How about becoming a sheepdog and looking after people by guiding them and being respectful.

Just a thought 🙂

To be able to smile at the end of the day is a good day 🙂

Have a wonderful day everyone, if you liked this article, make sure you share it with your friends.

Thank you for your time today 🙂



Coffee or Tea


The first thing many people do in the morning when they wake up is to make a pot/cup of coffee.  For some this routine is slightly different and they put a kettle on and bring out the tea pot.  I love coffee and tea!  First thing I do in the morning is to grind the coffee beans, get the machine ready and make that first cup of coffee.  Mmmm I can almost smell it now.  Later on in the day, especially during the colder months I make up a pot of tea.  It tends to be a nightly ritual I go through.  Most of the time it is tea leaves, green tea, or some other herbal tea.  When I buy my tea, it tends to be by smell and the name catches my eye also.  Is the tea for relaxing, healing or energizing does make a difference also, especially for night as I don’t want all the caffeine.

“Caffeine, not that it is bad for you, but it can keep you from sleeping at night.  Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant of the methylxanthine class. It is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug, but — unlike many other psychoactive substances — it is legal and unregulated in nearly all parts of the world.”

So then what do you do to make sure you don’t have caffeine late at night?

Or have you removed caffeine from your diet?

Caffeine is a bitter substance found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, kola nuts, and certain medicines. It has many effects on the body’s metabolism, including stimulating the central nervous system. This can make you more alert and give you a boost of energy.

For most people, the amount of caffeine in two to four cups of coffee a day is not harmful. However, too much caffeine can cause problems. It can

  • Make you jittery and shaky
  • Make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep
  • Cause headaches or dizziness
  • Make your heart beat faster or cause abnormal heart rhythms
  • Cause dehydration
  • Make you dependent on it so you need to take more of it. If you stop using caffeine, you could get withdrawal symptoms.

Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others. They should limit their use of caffeine. So should pregnant and nursing women. Certain drugs and supplements may interact with caffeine. If you have questions about whether caffeine is safe for you, talk with your health care provider.

Now that you know this, what is your drink of choice, coffee or tea?

First thing to start the day for me, I need my two cups of coffee, some days it will be three.  Lately I have been drinking Mountain Cabin coffee, it is 100% Arabica coffee and organic.  Now, as a coffee lover, I must say that I have never had such a good cup of coffee.  There is no bitterness, it tastes like I have made it with fresh spring water and just freshly picked the coffee beans myself that morning. I am a little picky about my coffee also, something that I haven’t really told many people.  Have you ever noticed that your tummy gets upset after drinking some coffee?  Or that the smell makes your stomach churn?   How about when you make that cup of coffee and it looks like tar?  I always thought the blackest coffee was always the best! That is not always the case!  I love very strong coffee, but not with the tar flavouring in it.  So every morning I drink my coffee I feel so blessed. Funniest part is I got mine free this month by watching a few videos!

Let me know what your favourite morning drink is, message me and if you are interested in finding out how you can get back to drinking coffee again that doesn’t upset your tummy ask to come see a presentation with us. Sign in here.

Cheers 🙂

Stay blessed and enjoy your coffee 🙂



Honesty and Integrity

Honesty and Integrity, is it dying in society?

What the definition is of both words?


  1.  the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness.
  2.  truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
  3.  freedom from deceit or fraud.
  1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
  2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.
There are the definitions of two important words we as a society need to remember what they mean.  Times might be tough for some people with the economy being the way it is, but does that mean that, as a society, we need to lose our honesty and integrity?  I think not!  In my opinion this is when honesty and integrity need to be valued more now than ever.  Yet out of desperation people do desperate things, and I get that, yet what I don’t get is why people think that by not having integrity or being honest that it will change things in a good way.  ‘Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You’ is a powerful statement.  If you want to be treated with respect, then respect others in return.  By lying and deceiving to people you are lying and deceiving to yourself.  People will catch on to your lies and deceit also, it may take some time, but eventually Karma will come back to bite you.  If you cannot look in the mirror and feel good about what you are doing or saying to others, then stop doing it.  ‘An Eye for an Eye’ or ‘What is good for the goose is good for the gander’ types or mentality will not get you to where you really want to get to in life.  Lies always come back to haunt you eventually and it can sometimes take years, but it will eventually come back to you ten fold.
So you want to build a business online and even have a mentor you follow.  Are you going to be honest and have integrity? Make sure you know about the business, and have good leadership that you can trust. Some things to look for in a business are:
1.   Can you call the company and talk to a real person? (Is there someone in business development you can talk to)
2.   Will you have good support and be able to all work as a team/family? ((Will you have your questions dealt with)
3.   What is the background of the company? (Do some research on the company)
4.   If product based have they been tested and proven? (ingredients and results that last)
5.   If product based how long do orders take to be delivered? (customers don’t want to wait weeks)
6.   Complaints or concerns can be dealt directly by you with the company. (meaning you can call the company)
7.   The company and representatives use full disclosure. (nothing is hidden from anyone, including potential customers)
8.   Before signing up can you see compensation disclosure, policies and procedures. (This should be available)
9.   Have you gotten to know the person you are signing up under? (Make sure you speak to this person on the phone)
10. How long has the business been around for? (The first 3-5 years is when new businesses tank)
What are you posting on social media?
Are you using ‘pick up lines’?
Pick up Lines as a means to find new customers or business partners can be deceiving.  Some of the things to watch out for are:
1.  First of the month pictures of stacks of money. (most likely this is their rent income not a paycheck from their business)
2.  You can earn $1000’s of dollars fast. (if it sounds too good to be true then question it)
3.  Free to start.  (if it says free then ask how you make the money. Remember it takes money to make money)
4.  Posting pictures of fancy cars and fancy houses. (Do you believe everything you read or see?)
Please be honest and have integrity folks.  There are so many scams people are falling for and losing a lot of money.  Do your homework and follow some of the advice I have laid out in this article.  Keep your honesty and integrity in tact, what you say and do is noticed. Don’t fall for those schemes that sound too good to be true, make sure you don’t fall into the trap of posting dishonest content.  Most of all be you, ask questions and remember we are here to help people.  We are not here to hinder and cause financial stresses.
If it doesn’t feel right then why do it.  Gina Morris’
Thank you for reading the article, I’d love to hear your feedback on this subject of honesty and integrity.
Please comment below.
Have a blessed day.

Go Green For Future Generations





Go Green For Our Children and Future Generations



If you are interested in learning more, click on the link:  More Information  Also, to see if you qualify you can also check out the products you use compared to ours: Products Link The reason I ask you to check this out is because this is not for everyone.  I want customers that are serious about the environment and changing lives of loved ones.  My family benefits from this and so do thousands of other families.  This is a passion and a lifestyle change for so many friends and family. If you are serious about changing the lives of your family and friends then we should talk.

This does not cost you more money, unless you purchase all your products from the dollar stores.  We are strictly a manufacturing company of green products, that provide a safer environment inside and outside.  We save you money on safer, concentrated products.  The company has a 100% guarantee on all products.  We are listed with the BBB and been in Fortune 500 numerous times. 

This is my life and passion to help change the world one family at a time 🙂

May God be with you and keep your family safe.

Peace 🙂

Making Time For Change


So many times throughout the years I heard from people that they just don’t have time to do anything to make a change in their lives.  They work full time, have kids and a husband.  There are other excuses also that people will use, I don’t have a job because I don’t have the money to put insurance on my car.  How about the excuse that there is no work out there.  I think that in my opinion that if you don’t have a job, getting one at MacDonald’s is better than nothing.  Not having a vehicle is not a good excuse either because in most places there is public transportation, unless you live out in the country, then that excuse is legitimate.  I don’t fall for the excuse that someone is working full time and they have kids.  Why I don’t is because of my story of what I did and here it is.  It is probably long overdue to talk about all this and it wasn’t out of laziness that I didn’t.  It was due to that it is very personal and I also didn’t want to sound big headed or bragging.

My story is long and might even be boring for some, but it is my story and I will tell it as best as I can.  Hopefully by sharing my story it will help others understand me better but most of all I hope it helps someone, even just one single person to be able to find some success in life.  I will start off my story right from the beginning, I was raised by two wonderful parents and have three sisters.  We grew up in a small town, living a slow paced lifestyle.  My Mom was a stay at home Mom, so we were lucky to be able to go home for lunch and have grilled cheese and soup.  For vacations, we would take off every summer and go somewhere fun, a lake or even the ocean to go fishing and camping.  We had a wood stove to heat the house and in the Fall after school we would go get firewood to heat the house for the winter.  One year we even went and got the cedar, cut the shakes and helped my Dad and Mom nail them onto the roof.  We also had a huge garden, that over the years has gotten smaller, but is still quite large.  I remember as a kid having to weed the garden, help planting and harvesting.  Then canning and freezing of these beautiful vegetables would happen throughout the season.  We were brought up with a solid work ethic, one that quite a few of the younger generation has seemed to have lost.

So when I finally graduated, got married and had my own kids, I worked very hard to provide for my family.  Many times I would find myself working 6 days a week and some days more than the 8 hours a day.  I also had a huge vegetable garden, yard work, housework and the two kids to look after.  Thankfully I had learned from my parents a good work ethic, how to plant a garden, and preserve the vegetables.  I went through a divorce and now became a single parent.  During the next eleven years I worked hard, still working more than full time hours, dealing with a garden, canning, yard work, housework and two small kids.  Then I had another baby, this was unexpected and during a time in my life that I had registered for University. So being pregnant I decided that nothing was going to stop me from going to school.  I can remember these years like yesterday.  I started school on September 10th and my youngest daughter was born on the 23rd, I actually stayed in school the whole day I was having contractions and that night went to the hospital to give birth.  This was on a Wednesday and taking 4 courses in University, I decided on the Monday that I better get back.  It felt like I had been gone for two weeks!  There was so much to catch up on, assignments, research for those, and so much reading. I was beyond tired!  Times were not easy with a baby, two other kids, schooling and a failing relationship. Talk about a very stressful time in our lives! Come second semester I decided that I better get back to work, so I was fortunate enough to find something that would work around my schooling.  I would go out the door to school in the early morning, finish school by 3:00-3:30, then be right off to work.  At this time my work was a security company and we walked knocking on doors selling security systems, but we also dealt with all special events held at the arena, concerts and hockey games.  So some days I didn’t get home until midnight and the odd time was 2:00 am.  Getting home tired I would go straight to my office and do my homework for that day, sometimes not finishing that until 4:00 am and then be back out the door by 8:00 am.  Was I every tired!  I felt like throwing in the towel so many times….ashamed to admit, but even had break downs, tantrums and cried. It was hard, probably one of the hardest times of my life.

I graduated on the dean’s list, got very good grades, made it through that tough year! So why am I telling you all this? I think that sometimes by sharing our experiences we can help others.  The moral of this story is that I did not quit, I felt like it many times, but I stuck with it and worked very hard.  Nothing in life worthwhile will come easy, it will take sacrifices, tears, anger, frustrations and always hard work. If you were to think about your past life would you be where you are today if you had quit? My reason for working so hard and not quitting was that at the end I knew that I would get a good job that had benefits and good pay. I worked hard to get that job and worked many years working with kids in the schools. I also would work after school hours doing respite, often working seven days a week. It was a fantastic job and I loved it. We had good food, a roof over our heads and I could provide very nicely for my three kids.

Now I will jump to five years ago when I got hurt at work and am now unable to work.  Did my education and working hard prepare me for this financial change to happen in my life? It certainly helped but didn’t really make much of a difference.  It gave me the knowledge that I needed to do something to bring in an income from home, something that I could do around my own capabilities. So yes my education did help, but it didn’t prepare me for financial issues of suddenly losing thousands of dollars a month. What has gotten me through is my work ethic and determination to become successful. I walked into working from home with no knowledge of what the words network marketing and MLM meant.  Five years ago I hadn’t even heard those words. Now five years later I have grown to have thousands of people following me on social media, millions of views on articles and posts. This did not come easy, I read and listened to every book or video I could get my hands on. I did make many many mistakes, at one time I was the spam queen! Not a proud moment in my life. What happened though was I learned what to do and even today am still learning.

Will you find success?  That is up to you and if you make the time to make some changes in your life. Only you can find that inside you, nobody can make you successful, it has to come from YOU.  I promise you one thing, if you try, learn and never quit you will find success.  Will it be easy! Heck no! It will take sacrifice, hard work, determination, and a lot of learning. I really highly recommend having a Plan B in life because you never know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is full of surprises and sometimes they are not nice ones. I have been raising my youngest daughter up with the knowledge of this. Not to rely on going to school, get a good education, get a good job with benefits and work hard. She knows that in life things don’t always go as planned, she also understands that you need to make your money work for you. Educating yourself is important, but it is even more important to teach your kids at the same time. Follow Robert Kiyosaki, read his books and then read them again because the second time around they really sink in those words that will change your life.

Make time for change in your life, so that you can be protected from surprises in life.  Teach your kids what you know and they will have a much easier time transitioning into a new world of entrepreneurs.

I hope I didn’t bore you to sleep with my story and I pray that I have helped at least one person.

Remember make time for change!


You can also follow my personal fan page.

I wish for you much success!

Happy Easter 🙂

Living in a chemical free world.


Okay so perhaps nature doesn’t always win, but wouldn’t it be nice if it could?

I think Nature can WIN, the only way this can happen is if we as consumers change our way of shopping and what products we use.  There are so many products that people use on a daily basis that are causing serious harm to the environment AND to the health of our kids and pets.  For years I have followed the stories done by the news regarding chemicals/toxins in our homes and the environment.  The studies that have been done are mind blowing!  I have spoken to many people that are older and they remember their Grandparents using different products than what we use today. We have become a society relying on products we purchase to clean our homes, products that are supposed to kill all the germs and make the job easier.  In my opinion, we have become dependent on companies that produce these products, believing all the commercials that lead us to believe they are safe for the environment and our families.

I am going to include a few videos for you to watch, they cover some important information that I wish we could make viral, so that everyone can make smarter choices.

Part One of Two:

Part Two of Two:

This video talks about products we use daily that are popular brands:

Now it is time to start checking out the products you have in your home.

What are the ingredients listed, have any of your products been mentioned in the above videos, do you have little ones that you are using baby/kid products?  Recently there was an article published about Dollar Stores, are you trying to save money and purchasing products from stores like that?  81% of the products tested in Dollar Stores contain chemicals linked to cancer, learning disabilities and other serious health issues.

There are some very serious health issues on the rise:

  • Cancer rates in children under the age of 15
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Autism
  • Hearing issues

These are just a few concerns regarding the chemicals in products.  All I can do is try and bring an awareness to what we use.  Is it worth the risk using products that contain all these toxins? Simple products such as tooth paste have toxins in that we wash down the drain every day and unfortunately they are continually going through our water systems because they are not eliminated when it goes through the water treatment plants.  The particles are too small to get rid of them. So by washing our hair, brushing our teeth, cleaning our floors, doing laundry, these chemicals are adding up in our water systems.  We drink this water, bathe and cook every day with contaminated water.  By using environmentally friendly products we can start helping the inside and outside environments to be cleaner and safer for every living thing.

Just a note for reference to help you save money on much safer products, please check out my page:

Also, I invite you to do this fun page:

If you are interested in living a chemical free world and helping other families do the same, let’s talk.  Please email me: Or you can enter your information in my web page.

Have a wonderful and safe day.