10 Reasons To Work From Home


  1.  Have that extra coffee in the morning.  Enjoy working from home and relax.  You shouldn’t feel stressed and pushed into doing anything you don’t want to do.  The reason you chose to work from home is to be your own boss.  Being your own boss means that you create your own rules for working from home.  There still might be some rules you need to follow in life so the police don’t come knocking though.  LOL But seriously, relax and enjoy that extra cup of coffee in the morning.
  2. Save on clothing by wearing what you want to wear.  Now this can be taken a few different ways.  Some people feel comfortable wearing their pj’s all day, some wear sweat pants, and others might get dressed in more business like clothing. Wear what makes you feel comfortable, but also gives off a good feel for potential customers.  You know what they would expect.  Don’t dress like a slob, make sure you shave and shower.  Be presentable and you will feel more business minded.
  3.  Have more time for family and friends.  Take that time to go to different events at your child’s school, sports activities, when they come home from school be there to chat with them.  Call friends up and treat them to a coffee or long chat on the phone. You chose to work from home so you have more freedom to spend with family and friends. Make sure you don’t get caught up in being on-line too much and forget about family and friends.  Take that time to do something fun, laugh and re-connect.
  4. Your office can be anywhere, this means take your computer and go outside.  Get some fresh air and set up your back yard in the summer as an office.  You will notice that you will feel happier and more alive.  Take advantage of going to the beach, sit under a tree, go to a park.  Use your technology as it should be used, grab a tablet or cellphone and leave the house.  The idea of having an office anywhere is to change your scenery.  Make things more fun and creative.
  5. Set your own business hours.  Do set a schedule, this can be flexible, so that you can get done as much as you want to during the day.  Make sure that you set time for yourself, your family and friends.  Never feel like you need to pull all-night work, do what you feel is right for you.  Never let someone pressure you into doing what you don’t want to do.  If you only want to work 6 hours or 2 hours a day that is up to you.
  6. You have the potential to make more money working from home.  There are many people becoming very wealthy by working from home.  Some people do this rather quickly and others take longer.  One thing you need to remember is to always keep trying and never quit.  Do your research and connect with people who have the same goals as you and work with them.
  7. Once you have a home business you can start using more tax breaks than you could before.  This is something you should speak to your tax specialist about in your area.  Being prepared is important so that you can save receipts for everything your tax specialist says you can write off.  Every area is different.
  8. Travel can be something you can do more of when you are working from home.  Especially if you are working on-line as your work is portable as long as you have internet access.  Remember this can also be used as a tax rebate perhaps.  So take advantage of seeing different parts of your area and take more day trips.  Expand outwards to get to see and do more.  Take photographs and share your experiences and fun!
  9. Debt can be paid off so much faster.  As your home business grows and you get those big company bonuses you can be applying that to student loans, vehicle, or mortgage.  All debt can be paid off so much faster!  There are not many people who work a normal job that get huge $20,000+ bonuses from the company for doing a great job.  So working from home can get you out of debt that much faster.
  10. Freedom!  This is the most important one of all 🙂  Having your own home based business gives you so much more freedom.  You have the time to spend with family and friends.  Freedom is something that gives you so much happiness in your life that you are healthier.  Stress is gone.


Have a wonderful day!

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Thanks 🙂

Gina Morris



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