Tag Archives: #health #fitness #family

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Gina Morris Love Yourself enough to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle Tips longest article:

This will probably be the longest article I will write due to the nature of my passion with helping to educate people on a healthier lifestyle.  Over the years I have watched as many people have gotten sick and died from that sickness.  I used to work with people as a caregiver.  I also worked with kids in the school systems and saw so many children with serious health issues that they would have to live with all their lives, in many cases live in a group home.  One thing we noticed when working in school, were how many more children have allergies, hearing issues, breathing issues, ADHD, Autism, eye site, seizures and even cancer.  None of us professionals could understand what was happening, what the cause was for these increases in serious illnesses in children.  We would sit in the staff room discussing it with health nurses and many other teachers.  We noticed that slowly over the years an increase in health issues.  We talked about when we were growing up and compared the age of ourselves compared to the parents of the children we worked with.  For the age group of 50 and up ( as adults)we noticed that group as children were usually healthier at school age. We also could not recollect many children in our classrooms/schools that we attended as students having as many health issues.  Many of us only knew of, on average 1 – 5 class-mates that had health issues that were serious.

So what has happened to our children?  What is happening to the human race?

Many years ago I ran across the Gerson Theory.  I have the book and have watched many videos and documentaries on it.  In a sense, its become an addiction with researching better, healthier ways to do things.  Especially since I was turning 50 this year I decided last year to quit smoking.  Please take some time and listen in on this documentary:

I’d like to discuss some theories people have about cancer and other illnesses people get.

For years we have all heard about coffee, hamburger, asbestos, bacon and burnt food are just a few of the causes of cancer.  Then we get asked those questions by doctors about family members that have had or have cancer.   We get told that genetically we are more disposed to getting certain illnesses due to our genetics.  I want to put something else into your thoughts.  Remember what you ate, where you lived as a child, and where you played. The environment you lived in plays a very important role in our health as an adult and what you are passing on to your own children.  For example I was very fortunate to have been raised in a family where my dad hunted (and still does to this day), we went camping, which meant going fishing, and we also grew a huge garden. From all this hunting, fishing and gardening we ate all fresh, natural good food.  Today you hear in the news about eating organic food, yet on the other hand we hear horrific stories about our food: prawns being injected with silicone, chickens being injected with a chemical to plump them up,  Monsato playing science experiences with our vegetables.  Even chefs are promoting to shop for meat from a butcher that you know where the meat comes from.  So if you are going to eat organic you do need to know where the vegetables, fruit and meat is coming from.  You especially need to pay attention to the country it grew in and the area in that country.

We use so many different products during the day, our environment is so full of chemicals that is it rather difficult to get rid of it all out of your life.  When you start reading labels and understanding what the ingredients are, you will change what you use.  You start off the day with a shower, brushing your teeth, putting lotion on, sunscreen, makeup, deodorant, perfume and clothing.  The moment you are standing in your shower you are exposing the biggest organ in your body to chemicals, your skin.  Your skin absorbs quickly anything that it is exposed to.  If your community chlorinates the water, your body is exposed to toxins every time you have a shower, drink water or cook.  When you are cleaning your house, or doing laundry, you are exposing not only your skin to the chemicals but your WHOLE body is affected.  Just the fumes alone, with using multiple cleaning products, are producing a chemical reaction that you are breathing in.  Remember in science class and mixing different chemical solutions together what would happen.  Do not ever mix your products, just by using different products such as Lysol spray to clean your counters, then using wipes to clean your child’s high chair and then using Mr Clean for washing your floors, you have just created a toxic environment.  You are breathing in a toxic mixture, which can cause serious health issues, all those cleaning products have smells which do go into your air you breathe.

We can keep ignoring the scientific results that are shown us, or we can change our thought process and start using safer products and buying better quality food. People can make a change and have healthier lifestyles, but it is up to each individual a to what they choose to do.  It is only my opinion, but hundred of thousands of other people think and feel the same as I do.  Yes, I am rather passionate about a healthier lifestyle and put that out there for everyone to learn from what I have learned.  I will always share my knowledge with people, to me, it is imperative that I do not keep that knowledge to myself.  I share because, like Charlotte Gerson, I want people to be healthy.  I would rather people be angry with what I share than people be angry that I didn’t help them.

 So in closing I will reiterate what I have said, go natural, organic and watch the movies I have shared.  Purchase the Gerson Therapy book and read it.  Start doing your own research into the products you use and the food you consume.  Ask questions and listen with an open mind.  With so many people agreeing with what I have said in this article don’t you think its worth your health to listen and read.

I wish you all the best of heath in life!

Be careful and safe.

Gina Morris

Healthy Lifestyle


Membership With Benefits


gina morris membership

Have you checked how many discount cards, membership cards and points cards you have in your wallet lately?  Are you feeling weighed down by all the renewal fees you need to pay every year to save 2% on your shopping at Costco and other stores who charge you yearly membership fees?  I don’t have all those cards, I don’t need them and I save 30-50 % on my shopping without using those cards.  Keep reading if you want to know how you can have a membership with benefits and the only cost for membership is $19.

You are still here, that is awesome, that means I have piqued your interest in saving money and taking some of those membership cards out of your wallet.  It does not have to be complicated and cost your family money.  Let’s look at how Costco works with their membership.  Based on the cash-back reward alone, to make the membership fee worth it you’d need to spend $2,750 a year to get back your extra $55 membership fee. That breaks down to just under $230 a month.  However, you can change stores and start saving 30-50% on products that are safe for your family and the environment.  That is just one part of the savings you can get.  Our store is like a huge mall with many levels and stores.  In the one store we have a wide selection of over 500 products.  These are things you would use every day, such at tooth polish, soap, shampoo, cleaning products and coffee, just to name a few.  Then on another level we have the market place where you can save 5% and more at stores such as Zales, Pet Smart, Home Depot, Clothing stores for men & women.  Need house insurance, going on a vacation, looking to save money on your cell phone bill? We have the whole mall with our store and all for $19 membership.

Makes sense to start saving up to 50% on all your purchases you make for your home doesn’t it.  Guess what, I don’t have that membership card in my wallet!  This is ALL digital.  I do this from my computer at home.  Does Costco give you savings like that? Or any other store?

Now what if you decide you want to make some extra income to pay off your mortgage, be a stay at home parent or perhaps be able to retire earlier, you can run this as a business also.  Just like thousands of other families that have simply changed stores, we are changing lives of many.  Please listen in on this recorded call (701) 901-1267 , it will only take a few minutes of your time.  If you want to learn more about what we are doing leave a detailed message, that includes your phone number and the best time to call you including your time zone, on my page: Healthy Lifestyle

We would love to help your family save money and have a healthier lifestyle.


Have a wonderful day,

Gina Morris

Healthy Lifestyle

10 Reasons To Work From Home


  1.  Have that extra coffee in the morning.  Enjoy working from home and relax.  You shouldn’t feel stressed and pushed into doing anything you don’t want to do.  The reason you chose to work from home is to be your own boss.  Being your own boss means that you create your own rules for working from home.  There still might be some rules you need to follow in life so the police don’t come knocking though.  LOL But seriously, relax and enjoy that extra cup of coffee in the morning.
  2. Save on clothing by wearing what you want to wear.  Now this can be taken a few different ways.  Some people feel comfortable wearing their pj’s all day, some wear sweat pants, and others might get dressed in more business like clothing. Wear what makes you feel comfortable, but also gives off a good feel for potential customers.  You know what they would expect.  Don’t dress like a slob, make sure you shave and shower.  Be presentable and you will feel more business minded.
  3.  Have more time for family and friends.  Take that time to go to different events at your child’s school, sports activities, when they come home from school be there to chat with them.  Call friends up and treat them to a coffee or long chat on the phone. You chose to work from home so you have more freedom to spend with family and friends. Make sure you don’t get caught up in being on-line too much and forget about family and friends.  Take that time to do something fun, laugh and re-connect.
  4. Your office can be anywhere, this means take your computer and go outside.  Get some fresh air and set up your back yard in the summer as an office.  You will notice that you will feel happier and more alive.  Take advantage of going to the beach, sit under a tree, go to a park.  Use your technology as it should be used, grab a tablet or cellphone and leave the house.  The idea of having an office anywhere is to change your scenery.  Make things more fun and creative.
  5. Set your own business hours.  Do set a schedule, this can be flexible, so that you can get done as much as you want to during the day.  Make sure that you set time for yourself, your family and friends.  Never feel like you need to pull all-night work, do what you feel is right for you.  Never let someone pressure you into doing what you don’t want to do.  If you only want to work 6 hours or 2 hours a day that is up to you.
  6. You have the potential to make more money working from home.  There are many people becoming very wealthy by working from home.  Some people do this rather quickly and others take longer.  One thing you need to remember is to always keep trying and never quit.  Do your research and connect with people who have the same goals as you and work with them.
  7. Once you have a home business you can start using more tax breaks than you could before.  This is something you should speak to your tax specialist about in your area.  Being prepared is important so that you can save receipts for everything your tax specialist says you can write off.  Every area is different.
  8. Travel can be something you can do more of when you are working from home.  Especially if you are working on-line as your work is portable as long as you have internet access.  Remember this can also be used as a tax rebate perhaps.  So take advantage of seeing different parts of your area and take more day trips.  Expand outwards to get to see and do more.  Take photographs and share your experiences and fun!
  9. Debt can be paid off so much faster.  As your home business grows and you get those big company bonuses you can be applying that to student loans, vehicle, or mortgage.  All debt can be paid off so much faster!  There are not many people who work a normal job that get huge $20,000+ bonuses from the company for doing a great job.  So working from home can get you out of debt that much faster.
  10. Freedom!  This is the most important one of all 🙂  Having your own home based business gives you so much more freedom.  You have the time to spend with family and friends.  Freedom is something that gives you so much happiness in your life that you are healthier.  Stress is gone.


Have a wonderful day!

If you like this article make sure you share it with your friends.

Thanks 🙂

Gina Morris



Wolf or Sheep


When my sisters and I were little, our Mom would read to us all these wonderful stories.  All the old nursery rhymes, some time later as mothers ourselves we have read these stories to our children.  Did you ever wonder, as an adult, about these stories?  What the context means and does it affect our lives having read these stories as a young child. Children’s brains are like sponges and absorb everything they hear, see, smell, taste, touch. This is what makes us all the individual people we are today.  Over the years scientists have suggested that by playing music, talking, reading to our babies in the womb, that we can ‘create’ smarter kids.  Toys were made to stimulate the brain, by using colour, sound and texture.  As adults, we have evolved to where we are today, in a modern, technical world.  Some of us work normal 9-5 jobs and are satisfied with life being that way.  Others are constantly fighting to get to the top.  Then there are those that work on educating themselves to create a lifestyle of the rich and famous.  Personal development comes into our lives and we work from home.  So what is the root of these changes in some people?  Does it all begin from being a baby and what we were surrounded with? Or is are we pre-disposed to become wolves or sheep?

Robert Kiyosaki says, “When you are young, work to learn, not to earn.”  He also talks about educating ourselves and children about money.  Money is not taught in schools, yet it is an important part of our lives as we get older.  Robert was taught at a young age by his biological father and an ‘adopted’ father.  Robert is a very successful motivational speaker, author and entrepreneur.  He has thousands of followers on social media, thousands of people who have bought his books and attended his live seminars.  So would you put Robert in the category of a wolf and yourself as a sheep because you follow him?  In this article we will define both.  Wolf is the leader of the pack and sheep are the people who follow the wolf.  In today’s society being a wolf might mean that you are a red, a dominant person.  Yellow would definitely mean follower, blue have some initiative and green you’d be closer to red but not as in people’s faces.  The following chart will help guide you in where you may fit.


Many years ago I was told that I am a bit complicated as I fit into two categories.  Yellow and Blue.  I was not impressed as I thought that by fitting into those two categories would mean that success would not come to me.  However, I have done even more personal development over the years and learned that you don’t need to put yourself into a specific category.  Wolf, sheep, red, blue, yellow or green.  A yellow can be a leader just as well as a red and a sheep can lead people just as well as a wolf.

So now you are asking yourself but how can this be, it doesn’t conform to what society does.  Are you ready for this?  Okay, think about the people in your life that you envy, people that you would love to be your mentor.  What qualities attract you to them?  Now take a look at your life and do a quick comparison. What is stopping you from being a leader?  Do you think you are a sheep and not a wolf?

In Network Marketing and MLM, you will see many wolves and sheep.  The wolves have a huge following of sheep, we call them sheeple.  These wolves join a company and bring their sheeple with them, and they grow this following fast for the present business.  They will do webinars, tons of videos, send out messages on social media, email marketing and create a lot of excitement.  This excitement brings in new sheep and along the way a few wolves are added to the pack.  The sheep are put all together and taught what to do, they follow the pecking order and obey the leader.  Meanwhile, the wolf picks out a few select sheep/wolves and become best buddies.  The training for these people is much different as they are being groomed to branch off the main leader to create a new following.  The big wolf in most cases will create about a dozen leaders and each leader will have a following of about 2000 followers.  This is a well thought out process to create a strong team.  All these leaders bring their immediate followers with them, immediate meaning the ones who worked harder than the rest.  Immediate followers are groomed, they are looked after and well protected by the leader.  They are hand picked to help the leader(s) reach the top of the company VERY fast. Once this is done, the leaders meet in private to discuss their new business venture.  Once they have selected a new business to join they will discuss this with a few of the sheep.  Now this is where it turns, if the sheep decide to follow, they now will become a part of the pack.  They could even possibly be groomed to become a wolf/leader if they can show they have a good number of followers.

Where am I going with all this?

I don’t like doing business like that.  I treat everyone equally.  I strongly believe that everyone deserves a chance at being successful.  The above scenario truly does happen and much too often people are used for the gains of others.  What a rotten way to treat people! I suppose that is why I decided that it was time to write this as it really bothered me seeing people treated with such disrespect.   Quite often these leaders actually are directed by corporate people to do business like that.  Shameful tactics to bring quick money to the corporation. Well, I am here to let you know that does not have to play out like that. You just need to be aware of the poor business practices of a large percentage of the companies out there.  If you are wanting to be part of an honest business that everyone works together, then you need to make sure you do your homework.  Don’t just jump into something because it is cheap.  Make sure you understand and know the person you are speaking to and how they can help you.

Some important questions you may want to consider:


Wolf or Sheep?

Doesn’t really matter, except for your own personal satisfaction.

Do you want to be successful and be respected?

Or do you want to take people down and rip them apart?

How about becoming a sheepdog and looking after people by guiding them and being respectful.

Just a thought 🙂

To be able to smile at the end of the day is a good day 🙂

Have a wonderful day everyone, if you liked this article, make sure you share it with your friends.

Thank you for your time today 🙂



Fall is coming soon!


With Fall arriving we will be doing clean up in our yards, taking our vegetables and freezing them for the winter months.  This year we are going to be making some mincemeat with the green tomatoes from the garden.  Then we will also be canning some pickled beets, tomatoes for making spaghetti, salsa and then our favorite potato leek soup.


We use all fresh herbs from the garden and then also we purchase from our company wonderful aromatic gourmet spices. YIAH is a company based out of Australia that is now providing gourmet spices in New Zealand, UK, Canada and USA.  They have won numerous awards!  If you have been considering a business from home you can check out my page and leave me a message.


Last year we actually made and canned our soup and it exploded while in storage, apparently the leeks and cream caused it to expand quite a bit.  So now what we do is freeze it in zip lock bags and lay it flat.  This takes up much less room in the freezer and also makes it easy to find.  My daughter and I do quite a few things that save us money.  All our leftovers are frozen in buckets and we then make soup with them.  For example any chicken, vegetables, gravy, drippings and even mashed potatoes go into this bucket.  When we pull out this bucket we let it thaw out and put it into a huge pot.  By adding additional water, vegetables and spices we now have a very tasty soup that cost us pennies to make. Once the soup is made me actually can it for the winter by sterilizing quart size canning jars and sealing them in our pressure canner.

We don’t waste anything and by sharing this with you, I hope this helps you save money on your grocery bill.  Not only that you will have some very quick easy meals that are healthy options for those cold winter months.

Make sure you follow me on my Fan Page so we can connect and share recipes and saving money ideas 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog page

Feel free to comment below 🙂

Go Green For Future Generations





Go Green For Our Children and Future Generations



If you are interested in learning more, click on the link:  More Information  Also, to see if you qualify you can also check out the products you use compared to ours: Products Link The reason I ask you to check this out is because this is not for everyone.  I want customers that are serious about the environment and changing lives of loved ones.  My family benefits from this and so do thousands of other families.  This is a passion and a lifestyle change for so many friends and family. If you are serious about changing the lives of your family and friends then we should talk.

This does not cost you more money, unless you purchase all your products from the dollar stores.  We are strictly a manufacturing company of green products, that provide a safer environment inside and outside.  We save you money on safer, concentrated products.  The company has a 100% guarantee on all products.  We are listed with the BBB and been in Fortune 500 numerous times. 

This is my life and passion to help change the world one family at a time 🙂

May God be with you and keep your family safe.

Peace 🙂

Living in a chemical free world.


Okay so perhaps nature doesn’t always win, but wouldn’t it be nice if it could?

I think Nature can WIN, the only way this can happen is if we as consumers change our way of shopping and what products we use.  There are so many products that people use on a daily basis that are causing serious harm to the environment AND to the health of our kids and pets.  For years I have followed the stories done by the news regarding chemicals/toxins in our homes and the environment.  The studies that have been done are mind blowing!  I have spoken to many people that are older and they remember their Grandparents using different products than what we use today. We have become a society relying on products we purchase to clean our homes, products that are supposed to kill all the germs and make the job easier.  In my opinion, we have become dependent on companies that produce these products, believing all the commercials that lead us to believe they are safe for the environment and our families.

I am going to include a few videos for you to watch, they cover some important information that I wish we could make viral, so that everyone can make smarter choices.

Part One of Two:

Part Two of Two:

This video talks about products we use daily that are popular brands:

Now it is time to start checking out the products you have in your home.

What are the ingredients listed, have any of your products been mentioned in the above videos, do you have little ones that you are using baby/kid products?  Recently there was an article published about Dollar Stores, are you trying to save money and purchasing products from stores like that?  81% of the products tested in Dollar Stores contain chemicals linked to cancer, learning disabilities and other serious health issues.

There are some very serious health issues on the rise:

  • Cancer rates in children under the age of 15
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Autism
  • Hearing issues

These are just a few concerns regarding the chemicals in products.  All I can do is try and bring an awareness to what we use.  Is it worth the risk using products that contain all these toxins? Simple products such as tooth paste have toxins in that we wash down the drain every day and unfortunately they are continually going through our water systems because they are not eliminated when it goes through the water treatment plants.  The particles are too small to get rid of them. So by washing our hair, brushing our teeth, cleaning our floors, doing laundry, these chemicals are adding up in our water systems.  We drink this water, bathe and cook every day with contaminated water.  By using environmentally friendly products we can start helping the inside and outside environments to be cleaner and safer for every living thing.

Just a note for reference to help you save money on much safer products, please check out my page:  http://www.ginamorris.ca

Also, I invite you to do this fun page:


If you are interested in living a chemical free world and helping other families do the same, let’s talk.  Please email me: ginamichelemorris@gmail.com Or you can enter your information in my web page.

Have a wonderful and safe day.

It’s All Mind Set!

hous looks like a jungle

It may look and even feel like a jungle out there, but is it just the way you are viewing the world?

I am sure you have heard that in order to get anywhere in life you need to work hard. Your parents, Aunt, Uncle and even a teacher would have said something at some time in your life.  You need to study harder, longer to be able to pass that test. You need to clean your room, work harder and faster so you can go outside to play. Then when you became an adult you would hear from your boss, work harder and you will get that promotion, or that job you want. Think about what motivated you, when you were a kid it was being able to go outside and play with all your friends. As an adult it is advancing in your place of work, creating a bigger income for you and getting recognition for your hard work.

So how is that different to the ‘Jungle’ you are dealing with online?

There really is not much of a difference to working online or locally.  You still need to work hard to advance in your company to create that income stream that you are wanting to achieve.  Every free waking moment you will need to learn how to juggle work, family and online.  It won’t be easy, in fact it will be difficult and there will be days you will want to quit. However, if you have the right mind set you can succeed. Make sure that you have a big enough WHY, this I would post by your working space, you will need tools (learning, personal development and support).  There are literally millions of people online every day, worldwide!  Some people are online to connect with friends and family, some to play games, others to do business.  You already have connections online so you already have thousands of people seeing your content daily or weekly.  So be careful with what you post, even if you only have 50 people as friends on Facebook for example, those 50 people have friends also and their friends have friends and so on.  For example: Joe has 50 friends, he sends me a friend request and I have 4800 friends, so now Joe is connected with my 4800 friends because they can see him commenting on my wall and now see who he is.  So by adding one friend you have expanded your social network circle by thousands. See not only can Joe now see my wall and the 4800 friends I have but they can see him and their friends can see him also.  It is like a domino effect.

Are you in the ‘selling’ mind set or ‘you will love this’ mind set?

If you are in the selling mind set for your business/products/services, you are doomed to fail or take much longer to reach the top of the ladder.  People don’t like being approached by a ‘sales’ person, they already have their guard up when you approach them.  Think about it this way, put yourself in their shoes for a moment. You walk into a computer store to browse and perhaps pick up a new mouse, a sales person walks up to you (they earn commission on all sales) this person now tries selling you a whole new computer system with a bunch of programs.  They don’t listen to you saying all you need is a mouse, not a whole new computer.  How does that make you feel not being listened to and someone trying to sell you something you don’t need?  Another problem with this ‘sales’ mind set is that you begin to expect objections and resistance. Once you start thinking like this your whole posture changes, the tone in your voice and a whole other bunch of ways people pick up on. So when you approach someone you are being pushed away and shut down immediately by your so called prospect.

If you change your mind set to the you are going to love this and will buy this, then you will find people will come to you and not run from you. By knowing your products/services very well you don’t need to ‘sell’ you will be so excited and passionate about it, people will feel this and want to know more.  So to be successful and not a sales person, change your mind set to someone that is a friend and you want to help.  Find out what someone needs in life and if your products or services can help this person then you can create a conversation with that person showing them what you have to offer, how it will help them improve their life.  Be able to answer questions and if you don’t know the answer know who to go to for those answers. If you are doing cold calls at random, make sure you build up the relationship first, by just sending them your business proposition right away you will be spending more time finding qualified people.  The same goes for online work, that is very similar to cold calling, do you want to build a business with people you know and like, or with people that don’t you don’t like.  Make sure you understand that you don’t need to like everyone but you do need to be able to work with them together as a team. Communication is key and if that does not happen then it will be like a one man show.

So keep building those relationships, be careful with what you put out in the universe with your mind set and don’t be a sales person. Learn how to communicate, know your company and products. Be a product of the product and just learn to relax and have fun.  Yes it takes work, but having fun at it is important, so keep your WHY close by all the time, get away from behind this screen and go outside, talk to people.

Build Relationships!


~Green products that are highly consumable
~NO legs to fill
~Easy to share
~NO pass-ups
~Products are good for YOU, YOUR FAMILY and ENVIRONMENT
For someone who wants stability in a business that you can pass down to your kids and YOU are serious about changing lives, this is the perfect fit. Save money even on otter boxes, travel, electronics, UGG Boots and much more. We have the deal for you. EVEN FREE products!

You hear all the hype every day about:

  • Make $20,000 this month
  • Make $1000 a day
  • Join us
  • Launching soon

I won’t bore you with the list of 100’s of different catch phrases people use to draw your attention. The manufacturing company of green products that I work for has been around for many years.  We have the stability that people are looking for, good products that save you money, environmentally friendly, easy to share with people and not MLM or network marketing.

rules Would you be able to take any of these off the list?  I know I wasn’t, it was important for me and my team to have a business that just made sense.  Our consumable products are things everyone uses daily.  The company itself has a good retention rate because to all the customers it just makes sense to save money on products they already used.  On a business level it makes sense also.  With the low sign up cost to start a business (right now is is only $1), no risk for starting because even the membership is 100% refundable. Would you like to have your laundry soap, toothpaste, cleaning products, vitamins and nutritional drinks practically FREE?  With your residual check it would cover all this and more, so there would be no out of pocket expense. Yes you would need to work this, but the training is free and simple to learn to share.  Personally, I would never drop out of this company because all my products are covered with my check I receive every month.  I also prefer the quality of these products that others I have used in the past.  For example:  I have much less dryer lint now and our clothes are clean, we don’t get itchy any more either from using a chemical free laundry soap. My daughter and I both have long hair, but different hair types, mine is very long and tangled up quite bad, now with using the products I use, I am not yanking out tons of hair every day and the breakage is very minimal now.  My daughter has an oily hair and was prone to dandruff, in fact she had dandruff all her life until we changed stores and her shampoo.  Now this problem that was very embarrassing to her is gone.  My sewing desk for some reason dripped what looked like to us rust from a screw (mystery as to how this happened), this dripped onto a carpet and left a stain, by using our Sol U Mel full strength we got that out of the carpet.  Our dishwasher was plugging up constantly, what a pain having to keep the shop vac up stairs all the time.  Our dishes were not coming clean, even though we rinsed them off before washing them.  We figured the dishwasher needed to be replaced, as a plumber had a look and said it was the pump, that it would be $100 for the pump and labor to replace this. Well instead of purchasing Finish dishwasher tabs I was buying I purchased from our own store.

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You know something buying Diamond Brite saved me a lot of money!  For less than what I was paying for Finish I bought this and my dishwasher actually came out clean inside (no more orange color), the dishes are clean and there is no more water left in the bottom.  I can only imagine the build up of soap that was deep inside the machine from the other products I used.  Which made me realize that the washer was probably the same also before we switched!  My dog is a border collie and she is now going on ten years old, last winter she started limping pretty bad and the vet said it was in the breed because they love jumping up for balls ect.  I started buying her dog treats from my own store as they have hip and joint supplements in. By giving her one of these every day she was able to get up, run and jump with no problem now.  I actually don’t remember the last time she limped now!  For myself, I have nerve damage in both arms and was able to go off my pain medication because of Extra Strength Replenex and the vitamins, I stopped taking them for a week to see the difference and WOW NEVER again will I go off them.  The pain was back and I hurt so much I couldn’t even type.  Our company has brought out a new study on our vitamins, it was done in Germany and is called the Freiburg Study, I invite you to have a look at this as it is quite interesting. People have been purchasing the Peak Performance Vitamins and gone to see their doctor BEFORE taking them, getting their doctor to check them out for blood pressure ect and then these people have gone out to their vehicle, taken the vitamins and an hour later gone back in to see their doctor. The documented proof that these are changing lives is growing each day as more people take the 90 day challenge.

I will be getting mine in this coming week and will be doing the same 90 day challenge.  I’d like to invite you to do the same with me.  If in 90 days you are not happy with the results then you can ask for a refund, this is 100% guaranteed. So for you, no risk to try this company out for your families shopping.  I guarantee you will be as happy as thousands of us are!

Input your name, email and phone number and I will call you back.

For $1 you can try this out this month, so don’t waste time because you could share this with family and friends and easily reach a point where YOUR residual income covers your products for your family like me and many others.

Here is my page where you can find out more information.

You can also reach me at my home office:  250-427-2302

Have a wonderful day,

Gina Morris





For thousands of years, the derivatives of the Melaleuca Tree have been effective in treating a wide variety of ailments. Here are 80 reasons why you should use it, too!


Tea Tree Oil Natures Cure
Tea Tree Oil Natures Cure

Abrasions & Minor Cuts: After cleaning the area well, apply a few drops of the oil directly. If a bandage is needed, allow a few drops of the oil to penetrate a cotton ball, then lay it face down on the wound with a bandage on top.

Acne: Add a drop to your normal cleansing routine or dab a very small amount on acne breakouts. You can also add 20 – 40 drops of the oil to your regular face wash.

Air Freshener: Keep a supply of cotton balls soaked in tea tree oil packed away in a plastic bag or tin. When confronted with foul smells from cooking, musty orders from dampness or even the medicinal smell in a sick room, take a few out the freshen the air and remove the nasty smell.

Allergies: Use topically by massaging into the chest, abdomen or the reflex points of the feet.

Arthritis: To help reduce pain associated with the swelling of arthritis, add 20 drops of tea tree oil to 2 ounces of grapeseed or other carrier oil. Massage into affected area 2-3 times a day.

Asthma: Add a few drops of oil to a pan of water and heat on stove. When cooling, drape a towel over head and breath in for a few minutes.

Athletes Foot: Clean feet thoroughly, especially between toes. Add oil directly to feet every two weeks, dusting with corn starch after. Or add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp of grapeseed or other carrier oil and massage on feet and between toes daily.

Baby Care: Keep your diaper pail clean and fresh with a spray of tea tree oil mixed with water.

Bacterial Infections: Use topically, either massaging into the reflex points of the feet, adding several drops to a bath or cautiously applying over an infected site.

Bad Breath: Rinse with 1 ounce water and 1 drop oil. Do not swallow!

Bladder Infection: In a shallow bath, add 10 – 15 drops of oil. Sit and wash area carefully.

Blisters: Wash area carefully, then apply as for cuts and wounds.

Boils: Apply a warm washcloth for a few minutes. Then apply a drop or two of oil to the area – the infection should rise to surface and eventually be released.

Bronchial Congestion: Use as directed for Asthma. Add 5 – 10 drops to 1 ounce of carrier oil, and massage into chest and throat 2 – 3 times daily.

Bronchitis: Add 1-2 drops to a pan of hot water and breath in the steam, or massage the oil over the chest.

Bruises: After icing, apply oil as directed for Arthritis.

Bunions: Massage area with 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp. of carrier oil.

Burns: Run icy cold water on area. After a few minutes, add a mix of 5 drops oil with 1 tsp. raw honey. Repeat 3 – 5 times daily.

Calluses & Corns: Massage area with 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp. of carrier oil. Repeat 2 times daily. Once the corn or calluses have become soft use tweezers to remove, and apply a few drops of tea tree oil and cover with bandage.

Canker Sores: Apply a drop or two of oil directly to infected area with a cotton swab, 2 times daily. Also, rinse as directed for bad breath.

Carbuncles: Add a drop or two of oil to cotton swab and apply directly to carbuncle. Repeat twice daily.

Chapped Lips: Add 1 or 2 drops of oil to lip balm. Apply to lips as necessary.

Chicken Pox: Apply a drop of oil directly to blisters. Allow to dry, then dust with corn starch. Repeat every few hours or until blisters disappear.

Chigger Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.

Cold Sores: Apply a drop or two of oil directly to the sore with a cotton swab. Re-apply 2 – 3 times daily.

Coughs: Use as directed for bronchial infections. For a vaporizer, add 10 drops to steamer and leave on 5 – 10 minutes.

Dandruff: Add 20 – 30 drops oil to any shampoo. Apply a few drops to scalp and massage after washing.

Dermatitis: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp of grapeseed or other oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily.

Dry Skin: Add 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp sweet almond oil. Massage into skin.

Earache and Infection: Add 2 – 3 drops of oil to 2 tbsp warm olive oil. With a dropper, drop a small amount into aching ear, tilting head to one side for a moment. Use cotton swab to absorb oil. Repeat 2 – 3 times daily.

Eczema: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp grapeseed oil or coconut oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. Also can be applied undiluted.

Emphysema: Use as directed for bronchial infections. For a vaporizer, add 10 drops to steamer and leave on 5 – 10 minutes.

Flea Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.

Gout: Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of carrier oil; massage into affected area 2-3 times a day.

Gum Disease: Create a mouthwash with purified water, 1 drop of peppermint oil and 1 drop of tea tree oil.

Head Lice: Add 20 drops of oil to 2 tbsp shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat 3 – 4 times daily, until eggs are gone.

Hives: Add 10 drops of oil to 4 tbsp of witch hazel. Apply with cotton ball. Or, mix with coconut oil (which is naturally healing and soothing itself) and gently apply to the infected areas.

Homemade Mouthwash: Make a simple homemade mouthwash with purified water and tea tree oil.

Household Cleaning: Can be used aromatically or added to homemade cleaners to kill germs and prevent the spread of colds and flus. You can make a general tea tree cleaner by combining 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle. Shake to blend and use for household cleaning tasks. This is especially good in the bathroom and in toilets.

Immune System: To stimulate the immune system, diffuse through the air on a regular basis, massage into the soles of the feet to increase your immune response.

Infected Wounds: Adding the oil to steaming water, hold the infected area over the steam. Or dilute 1 drop of tea tree with 1 cup of water and rinse the infected area 1-2 times a day, as needed.

Inflammation: Massage over the inflamed areas, gently and always toward the heart, or diffuse and inhale the tea tree oil directly or indirectly.

Ingrown Hairs: Add 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to area. Repeat every 2 hours or until signs of infection disappear.

Insect Repellant: Add 15 drops to a quart of water and use as an effective insect repellent.

Jock Itch: Apply 10 – 15 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of carrier oil. Apply 2 times daily. Dust with corn starch, to reduce chapping.

Laryngitis: Add 5 – 10 drops of oil and pinch of sea salt to 1 cup of warm water, gargle 2-3 times a day. Do not swallow!

Laundry Helper: Add 1/2 teaspoon tea tree oil to your laundry for towels and other fabric prone to getting moldy.

Mildew and Mold Remover: Spray an all-purpose cleaner made with 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil and 2 cups of water on growing mold and mildew. Shake well before using and do not rinse.

Mosquito Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.

Muscle Aches and Pains: Add 10-15 drops of oil to half cup Epsom salts, and dissolve in bath. Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of carrier oil. Massage well.

Mumps: Massage over the body and into the feet, and diffuse through the home.

Nail Fungus: Add 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to nail and the surrounding tissue. Allow to dry completely on hands before touching anything. Repeat morning and night for a week.

Pest Control: Household ants and other pests dislike Tea Tree Oil, so a few drops put at the point of entry will deter them. Wipe cupboards out with an oil and water solution to keep ants away.

Plantar Warts: Apply oil undiluted to affected area 2-3 times daily.

Psoriasis: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp carrier oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. Also can be applied undiluted.

Rashes: Mix with coconut oil and massage over the affected areas.

Rheumatism: To help reduce pain associated with rheumatism, add 20 drops of tea tree oil to 2 ounces of carrier oil. Massage into affected are 2-3 times a day.

Ringworm: Apply a drop or two of oil undiluted, repeat 2 times daily. Can also mix 1 drop of tea tree oil with 1 drop of lavender oil for added benefit.

Rubella: Dilute as needed and massage into the affected areas.

Scabies: Apply 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to area in the morning and at night.

Sciatica: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp carrier oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. Also can be applied undiluted.

Seborrhea: For skin: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp of carrier oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. For scalp: Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat 3 – 4 times daily. Bath: Add 10-15 drops of oil to bath.

Shingles: Add 10-15 drops of oil to half cup Epsom salts, and dissolve in bath. Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of grapeseed oil or coconut oil and massage well.

Shock: Massage tea tree oil into the soles of the feet as needed.

Sinusitis: Use as directed for bronchial infections. For a vaporizer, add 10 drops to steamer and leave on 5 – 10 minutes. Also add 2 drops to a neti pot.

Sore muscles: Fill your bathtub with warm water. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the water to relax tight muscles.

Sore Throat: Add 2 drops of oil to 1 cup of warm water with pinch of sea salt, gargle 2-3 times a day. Do not swallow!

Staph Infection: Best used topically, rubbed into the soles of the feet to increase the immune response and fight infection.

Stye: Add 5 drops oil to a pan of steaming water. Drape towel overhead and steam 5 minutes. Apply warm compresses directly to stye.

Sunburn: Mix 1 TB coconut oil with 1 drop of tea tree and 1 drop of lavender and gently apply to to sunburned areas.

Tattoos: Apply after tattoos to avoid infection. Use undiluted, diluted with coconut oil or as a spray with purified water.

Thrush: Gargle with sea salt, warm water and 1 drop of tea tree.

Ticks: Apply a drop or two directly to the tick and the surrounding area.

Toenail fungus: Rub the tea tree oil directly onto the affected toenail and underneath the tip of the nail. Apply 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the oil once a day, preferably at bedtime.

Toothbrush Cleaner: Apply oil directly to toothbrush 1-2 times a week to kill bacteria.

Tonsillitis: Inhale from steaming water with tea tree, gargle, and massage into neck and soles of feet.

Vaginal Infection: Add several drops to the bath water.

Viral Infections: Diffuse tea tree oil throughout the home or inhale from steaming water.

Warts: Apply undiluted directly to wart. Use morning and night, until wart begins to disappear. Dilute if necessary for sensitive skin.

Wounds: Soak wounded area in water with tea tree oil, or spritz from a bottle of water with several drops of oil. Depending on the wound and your own sensitivity you may be able to apply directly.