Category Archives: Garden

Fall is coming soon!


With Fall arriving we will be doing clean up in our yards, taking our vegetables and freezing them for the winter months.  This year we are going to be making some mincemeat with the green tomatoes from the garden.  Then we will also be canning some pickled beets, tomatoes for making spaghetti, salsa and then our favorite potato leek soup.


We use all fresh herbs from the garden and then also we purchase from our company wonderful aromatic gourmet spices. YIAH is a company based out of Australia that is now providing gourmet spices in New Zealand, UK, Canada and USA.  They have won numerous awards!  If you have been considering a business from home you can check out my page and leave me a message.


Last year we actually made and canned our soup and it exploded while in storage, apparently the leeks and cream caused it to expand quite a bit.  So now what we do is freeze it in zip lock bags and lay it flat.  This takes up much less room in the freezer and also makes it easy to find.  My daughter and I do quite a few things that save us money.  All our leftovers are frozen in buckets and we then make soup with them.  For example any chicken, vegetables, gravy, drippings and even mashed potatoes go into this bucket.  When we pull out this bucket we let it thaw out and put it into a huge pot.  By adding additional water, vegetables and spices we now have a very tasty soup that cost us pennies to make. Once the soup is made me actually can it for the winter by sterilizing quart size canning jars and sealing them in our pressure canner.

We don’t waste anything and by sharing this with you, I hope this helps you save money on your grocery bill.  Not only that you will have some very quick easy meals that are healthy options for those cold winter months.

Make sure you follow me on my Fan Page so we can connect and share recipes and saving money ideas 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog page

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The Transformation From Pallet To Beauty

My daughter and I love to recycle things!

There have been many projects that we have created for ourselves over the years.  Rather than throwing something out we donate it if we really don’t need it or want it any more.  Sometimes we have needed something and we use our creativity to make our own.  For instance I have a love of plants and had an issue.  It was a good issue but still a concern.  My plants grew, I mean they REALLY grew!  Over the years we had transplanted them many times to end up not being able to find a pot big enough for our now TREES!  So I started gathering wood pallets, drew out an idea in my head, ripped apart the pallets and started cutting.  I must state that to have a neighbor come by with a jig saw was much easier than the method my daughter and I tried.  That crow bar just did not want to budge those boards.  Do you know how many nails they have in one pallet?  Well we lost count!

Now you may be thinking WOW I am impressed she knows how to build things with wood.  HAHAHA guess what we had no idea what we were doing.  It really took a lot of thought, but even more cutting to build these huge boxes for our plants.  But we did it, we got a total of 3 plant boxes made up.  Sure they are not perfect cuts (umm the saw we used was a hand saw) and yes the wood not perfect, or even pretty.  But with a little stain, they are pieces of art.  Our plants love their new homes and guests are amazed that we built these beautiful boxes all our selves.

I have just found another project, but it won’t be for us, not this year anyways 🙂  I am busy building an empire right now so projects will be put on hold.  For you I have a gift, I found the most amazing lawn furniture you can build.  It is free except for the blood sweat, tears and love.  Build something together with your kids or make it a family project.  Don’t expect to get it done in one day, but just enjoy the transformation from pallet to something beautiful.