Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Gina Morris Love Yourself enough to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle Tips longest article:

This will probably be the longest article I will write due to the nature of my passion with helping to educate people on a healthier lifestyle.  Over the years I have watched as many people have gotten sick and died from that sickness.  I used to work with people as a caregiver.  I also worked with kids in the school systems and saw so many children with serious health issues that they would have to live with all their lives, in many cases live in a group home.  One thing we noticed when working in school, were how many more children have allergies, hearing issues, breathing issues, ADHD, Autism, eye site, seizures and even cancer.  None of us professionals could understand what was happening, what the cause was for these increases in serious illnesses in children.  We would sit in the staff room discussing it with health nurses and many other teachers.  We noticed that slowly over the years an increase in health issues.  We talked about when we were growing up and compared the age of ourselves compared to the parents of the children we worked with.  For the age group of 50 and up ( as adults)we noticed that group as children were usually healthier at school age. We also could not recollect many children in our classrooms/schools that we attended as students having as many health issues.  Many of us only knew of, on average 1 – 5 class-mates that had health issues that were serious.

So what has happened to our children?  What is happening to the human race?

Many years ago I ran across the Gerson Theory.  I have the book and have watched many videos and documentaries on it.  In a sense, its become an addiction with researching better, healthier ways to do things.  Especially since I was turning 50 this year I decided last year to quit smoking.  Please take some time and listen in on this documentary:

I’d like to discuss some theories people have about cancer and other illnesses people get.

For years we have all heard about coffee, hamburger, asbestos, bacon and burnt food are just a few of the causes of cancer.  Then we get asked those questions by doctors about family members that have had or have cancer.   We get told that genetically we are more disposed to getting certain illnesses due to our genetics.  I want to put something else into your thoughts.  Remember what you ate, where you lived as a child, and where you played. The environment you lived in plays a very important role in our health as an adult and what you are passing on to your own children.  For example I was very fortunate to have been raised in a family where my dad hunted (and still does to this day), we went camping, which meant going fishing, and we also grew a huge garden. From all this hunting, fishing and gardening we ate all fresh, natural good food.  Today you hear in the news about eating organic food, yet on the other hand we hear horrific stories about our food: prawns being injected with silicone, chickens being injected with a chemical to plump them up,  Monsato playing science experiences with our vegetables.  Even chefs are promoting to shop for meat from a butcher that you know where the meat comes from.  So if you are going to eat organic you do need to know where the vegetables, fruit and meat is coming from.  You especially need to pay attention to the country it grew in and the area in that country.

We use so many different products during the day, our environment is so full of chemicals that is it rather difficult to get rid of it all out of your life.  When you start reading labels and understanding what the ingredients are, you will change what you use.  You start off the day with a shower, brushing your teeth, putting lotion on, sunscreen, makeup, deodorant, perfume and clothing.  The moment you are standing in your shower you are exposing the biggest organ in your body to chemicals, your skin.  Your skin absorbs quickly anything that it is exposed to.  If your community chlorinates the water, your body is exposed to toxins every time you have a shower, drink water or cook.  When you are cleaning your house, or doing laundry, you are exposing not only your skin to the chemicals but your WHOLE body is affected.  Just the fumes alone, with using multiple cleaning products, are producing a chemical reaction that you are breathing in.  Remember in science class and mixing different chemical solutions together what would happen.  Do not ever mix your products, just by using different products such as Lysol spray to clean your counters, then using wipes to clean your child’s high chair and then using Mr Clean for washing your floors, you have just created a toxic environment.  You are breathing in a toxic mixture, which can cause serious health issues, all those cleaning products have smells which do go into your air you breathe.

We can keep ignoring the scientific results that are shown us, or we can change our thought process and start using safer products and buying better quality food. People can make a change and have healthier lifestyles, but it is up to each individual a to what they choose to do.  It is only my opinion, but hundred of thousands of other people think and feel the same as I do.  Yes, I am rather passionate about a healthier lifestyle and put that out there for everyone to learn from what I have learned.  I will always share my knowledge with people, to me, it is imperative that I do not keep that knowledge to myself.  I share because, like Charlotte Gerson, I want people to be healthy.  I would rather people be angry with what I share than people be angry that I didn’t help them.

 So in closing I will reiterate what I have said, go natural, organic and watch the movies I have shared.  Purchase the Gerson Therapy book and read it.  Start doing your own research into the products you use and the food you consume.  Ask questions and listen with an open mind.  With so many people agreeing with what I have said in this article don’t you think its worth your health to listen and read.

I wish you all the best of heath in life!

Be careful and safe.

Gina Morris

Healthy Lifestyle


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