Tag Archives: #toxin

Living in a chemical free world.


Okay so perhaps nature doesn’t always win, but wouldn’t it be nice if it could?

I think Nature can WIN, the only way this can happen is if we as consumers change our way of shopping and what products we use.  There are so many products that people use on a daily basis that are causing serious harm to the environment AND to the health of our kids and pets.  For years I have followed the stories done by the news regarding chemicals/toxins in our homes and the environment.  The studies that have been done are mind blowing!  I have spoken to many people that are older and they remember their Grandparents using different products than what we use today. We have become a society relying on products we purchase to clean our homes, products that are supposed to kill all the germs and make the job easier.  In my opinion, we have become dependent on companies that produce these products, believing all the commercials that lead us to believe they are safe for the environment and our families.

I am going to include a few videos for you to watch, they cover some important information that I wish we could make viral, so that everyone can make smarter choices.

Part One of Two:

Part Two of Two:

This video talks about products we use daily that are popular brands:

Now it is time to start checking out the products you have in your home.

What are the ingredients listed, have any of your products been mentioned in the above videos, do you have little ones that you are using baby/kid products?  Recently there was an article published about Dollar Stores, are you trying to save money and purchasing products from stores like that?  81% of the products tested in Dollar Stores contain chemicals linked to cancer, learning disabilities and other serious health issues.

There are some very serious health issues on the rise:

  • Cancer rates in children under the age of 15
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Autism
  • Hearing issues

These are just a few concerns regarding the chemicals in products.  All I can do is try and bring an awareness to what we use.  Is it worth the risk using products that contain all these toxins? Simple products such as tooth paste have toxins in that we wash down the drain every day and unfortunately they are continually going through our water systems because they are not eliminated when it goes through the water treatment plants.  The particles are too small to get rid of them. So by washing our hair, brushing our teeth, cleaning our floors, doing laundry, these chemicals are adding up in our water systems.  We drink this water, bathe and cook every day with contaminated water.  By using environmentally friendly products we can start helping the inside and outside environments to be cleaner and safer for every living thing.

Just a note for reference to help you save money on much safer products, please check out my page:  http://www.ginamorris.ca

Also, I invite you to do this fun page:


If you are interested in living a chemical free world and helping other families do the same, let’s talk.  Please email me: ginamichelemorris@gmail.com Or you can enter your information in my web page.

Have a wonderful and safe day.