Making Time For Change


So many times throughout the years I heard from people that they just don’t have time to do anything to make a change in their lives.  They work full time, have kids and a husband.  There are other excuses also that people will use, I don’t have a job because I don’t have the money to put insurance on my car.  How about the excuse that there is no work out there.  I think that in my opinion that if you don’t have a job, getting one at MacDonald’s is better than nothing.  Not having a vehicle is not a good excuse either because in most places there is public transportation, unless you live out in the country, then that excuse is legitimate.  I don’t fall for the excuse that someone is working full time and they have kids.  Why I don’t is because of my story of what I did and here it is.  It is probably long overdue to talk about all this and it wasn’t out of laziness that I didn’t.  It was due to that it is very personal and I also didn’t want to sound big headed or bragging.

My story is long and might even be boring for some, but it is my story and I will tell it as best as I can.  Hopefully by sharing my story it will help others understand me better but most of all I hope it helps someone, even just one single person to be able to find some success in life.  I will start off my story right from the beginning, I was raised by two wonderful parents and have three sisters.  We grew up in a small town, living a slow paced lifestyle.  My Mom was a stay at home Mom, so we were lucky to be able to go home for lunch and have grilled cheese and soup.  For vacations, we would take off every summer and go somewhere fun, a lake or even the ocean to go fishing and camping.  We had a wood stove to heat the house and in the Fall after school we would go get firewood to heat the house for the winter.  One year we even went and got the cedar, cut the shakes and helped my Dad and Mom nail them onto the roof.  We also had a huge garden, that over the years has gotten smaller, but is still quite large.  I remember as a kid having to weed the garden, help planting and harvesting.  Then canning and freezing of these beautiful vegetables would happen throughout the season.  We were brought up with a solid work ethic, one that quite a few of the younger generation has seemed to have lost.

So when I finally graduated, got married and had my own kids, I worked very hard to provide for my family.  Many times I would find myself working 6 days a week and some days more than the 8 hours a day.  I also had a huge vegetable garden, yard work, housework and the two kids to look after.  Thankfully I had learned from my parents a good work ethic, how to plant a garden, and preserve the vegetables.  I went through a divorce and now became a single parent.  During the next eleven years I worked hard, still working more than full time hours, dealing with a garden, canning, yard work, housework and two small kids.  Then I had another baby, this was unexpected and during a time in my life that I had registered for University. So being pregnant I decided that nothing was going to stop me from going to school.  I can remember these years like yesterday.  I started school on September 10th and my youngest daughter was born on the 23rd, I actually stayed in school the whole day I was having contractions and that night went to the hospital to give birth.  This was on a Wednesday and taking 4 courses in University, I decided on the Monday that I better get back.  It felt like I had been gone for two weeks!  There was so much to catch up on, assignments, research for those, and so much reading. I was beyond tired!  Times were not easy with a baby, two other kids, schooling and a failing relationship. Talk about a very stressful time in our lives! Come second semester I decided that I better get back to work, so I was fortunate enough to find something that would work around my schooling.  I would go out the door to school in the early morning, finish school by 3:00-3:30, then be right off to work.  At this time my work was a security company and we walked knocking on doors selling security systems, but we also dealt with all special events held at the arena, concerts and hockey games.  So some days I didn’t get home until midnight and the odd time was 2:00 am.  Getting home tired I would go straight to my office and do my homework for that day, sometimes not finishing that until 4:00 am and then be back out the door by 8:00 am.  Was I every tired!  I felt like throwing in the towel so many times….ashamed to admit, but even had break downs, tantrums and cried. It was hard, probably one of the hardest times of my life.

I graduated on the dean’s list, got very good grades, made it through that tough year! So why am I telling you all this? I think that sometimes by sharing our experiences we can help others.  The moral of this story is that I did not quit, I felt like it many times, but I stuck with it and worked very hard.  Nothing in life worthwhile will come easy, it will take sacrifices, tears, anger, frustrations and always hard work. If you were to think about your past life would you be where you are today if you had quit? My reason for working so hard and not quitting was that at the end I knew that I would get a good job that had benefits and good pay. I worked hard to get that job and worked many years working with kids in the schools. I also would work after school hours doing respite, often working seven days a week. It was a fantastic job and I loved it. We had good food, a roof over our heads and I could provide very nicely for my three kids.

Now I will jump to five years ago when I got hurt at work and am now unable to work.  Did my education and working hard prepare me for this financial change to happen in my life? It certainly helped but didn’t really make much of a difference.  It gave me the knowledge that I needed to do something to bring in an income from home, something that I could do around my own capabilities. So yes my education did help, but it didn’t prepare me for financial issues of suddenly losing thousands of dollars a month. What has gotten me through is my work ethic and determination to become successful. I walked into working from home with no knowledge of what the words network marketing and MLM meant.  Five years ago I hadn’t even heard those words. Now five years later I have grown to have thousands of people following me on social media, millions of views on articles and posts. This did not come easy, I read and listened to every book or video I could get my hands on. I did make many many mistakes, at one time I was the spam queen! Not a proud moment in my life. What happened though was I learned what to do and even today am still learning.

Will you find success?  That is up to you and if you make the time to make some changes in your life. Only you can find that inside you, nobody can make you successful, it has to come from YOU.  I promise you one thing, if you try, learn and never quit you will find success.  Will it be easy! Heck no! It will take sacrifice, hard work, determination, and a lot of learning. I really highly recommend having a Plan B in life because you never know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is full of surprises and sometimes they are not nice ones. I have been raising my youngest daughter up with the knowledge of this. Not to rely on going to school, get a good education, get a good job with benefits and work hard. She knows that in life things don’t always go as planned, she also understands that you need to make your money work for you. Educating yourself is important, but it is even more important to teach your kids at the same time. Follow Robert Kiyosaki, read his books and then read them again because the second time around they really sink in those words that will change your life.

Make time for change in your life, so that you can be protected from surprises in life.  Teach your kids what you know and they will have a much easier time transitioning into a new world of entrepreneurs.

I hope I didn’t bore you to sleep with my story and I pray that I have helped at least one person.

Remember make time for change!


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I wish for you much success!

Happy Easter 🙂

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