Honesty and Integrity

Honesty and Integrity, is it dying in society?

What the definition is of both words?


  1.  the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness.
  2.  truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
  3.  freedom from deceit or fraud.
  1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
  2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.
There are the definitions of two important words we as a society need to remember what they mean.  Times might be tough for some people with the economy being the way it is, but does that mean that, as a society, we need to lose our honesty and integrity?  I think not!  In my opinion this is when honesty and integrity need to be valued more now than ever.  Yet out of desperation people do desperate things, and I get that, yet what I don’t get is why people think that by not having integrity or being honest that it will change things in a good way.  ‘Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You’ is a powerful statement.  If you want to be treated with respect, then respect others in return.  By lying and deceiving to people you are lying and deceiving to yourself.  People will catch on to your lies and deceit also, it may take some time, but eventually Karma will come back to bite you.  If you cannot look in the mirror and feel good about what you are doing or saying to others, then stop doing it.  ‘An Eye for an Eye’ or ‘What is good for the goose is good for the gander’ types or mentality will not get you to where you really want to get to in life.  Lies always come back to haunt you eventually and it can sometimes take years, but it will eventually come back to you ten fold.
So you want to build a business online and even have a mentor you follow.  Are you going to be honest and have integrity? Make sure you know about the business, and have good leadership that you can trust. Some things to look for in a business are:
1.   Can you call the company and talk to a real person? (Is there someone in business development you can talk to)
2.   Will you have good support and be able to all work as a team/family? ((Will you have your questions dealt with)
3.   What is the background of the company? (Do some research on the company)
4.   If product based have they been tested and proven? (ingredients and results that last)
5.   If product based how long do orders take to be delivered? (customers don’t want to wait weeks)
6.   Complaints or concerns can be dealt directly by you with the company. (meaning you can call the company)
7.   The company and representatives use full disclosure. (nothing is hidden from anyone, including potential customers)
8.   Before signing up can you see compensation disclosure, policies and procedures. (This should be available)
9.   Have you gotten to know the person you are signing up under? (Make sure you speak to this person on the phone)
10. How long has the business been around for? (The first 3-5 years is when new businesses tank)
What are you posting on social media?
Are you using ‘pick up lines’?
Pick up Lines as a means to find new customers or business partners can be deceiving.  Some of the things to watch out for are:
1.  First of the month pictures of stacks of money. (most likely this is their rent income not a paycheck from their business)
2.  You can earn $1000’s of dollars fast. (if it sounds too good to be true then question it)
3.  Free to start.  (if it says free then ask how you make the money. Remember it takes money to make money)
4.  Posting pictures of fancy cars and fancy houses. (Do you believe everything you read or see?)
Please be honest and have integrity folks.  There are so many scams people are falling for and losing a lot of money.  Do your homework and follow some of the advice I have laid out in this article.  Keep your honesty and integrity in tact, what you say and do is noticed. Don’t fall for those schemes that sound too good to be true, make sure you don’t fall into the trap of posting dishonest content.  Most of all be you, ask questions and remember we are here to help people.  We are not here to hinder and cause financial stresses.
If it doesn’t feel right then why do it.  Gina Morris’
Thank you for reading the article, I’d love to hear your feedback on this subject of honesty and integrity.
Please comment below.
Have a blessed day.

One thought on “Honesty and Integrity”

  1. They do seem to be dying in society as a whole. I refuse to give up, tho. I will continue living with both Honesty and Integrity and lead by example. I do feel a shift in the network marketing community regarding these two character traits. Some could be faking it but I intend to remain hopeful and pray that society returns to values and morals good for all. Great article, Gina.


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