Wolf or Sheep


When my sisters and I were little, our Mom would read to us all these wonderful stories.  All the old nursery rhymes, some time later as mothers ourselves we have read these stories to our children.  Did you ever wonder, as an adult, about these stories?  What the context means and does it affect our lives having read these stories as a young child. Children’s brains are like sponges and absorb everything they hear, see, smell, taste, touch. This is what makes us all the individual people we are today.  Over the years scientists have suggested that by playing music, talking, reading to our babies in the womb, that we can ‘create’ smarter kids.  Toys were made to stimulate the brain, by using colour, sound and texture.  As adults, we have evolved to where we are today, in a modern, technical world.  Some of us work normal 9-5 jobs and are satisfied with life being that way.  Others are constantly fighting to get to the top.  Then there are those that work on educating themselves to create a lifestyle of the rich and famous.  Personal development comes into our lives and we work from home.  So what is the root of these changes in some people?  Does it all begin from being a baby and what we were surrounded with? Or is are we pre-disposed to become wolves or sheep?

Robert Kiyosaki says, “When you are young, work to learn, not to earn.”  He also talks about educating ourselves and children about money.  Money is not taught in schools, yet it is an important part of our lives as we get older.  Robert was taught at a young age by his biological father and an ‘adopted’ father.  Robert is a very successful motivational speaker, author and entrepreneur.  He has thousands of followers on social media, thousands of people who have bought his books and attended his live seminars.  So would you put Robert in the category of a wolf and yourself as a sheep because you follow him?  In this article we will define both.  Wolf is the leader of the pack and sheep are the people who follow the wolf.  In today’s society being a wolf might mean that you are a red, a dominant person.  Yellow would definitely mean follower, blue have some initiative and green you’d be closer to red but not as in people’s faces.  The following chart will help guide you in where you may fit.


Many years ago I was told that I am a bit complicated as I fit into two categories.  Yellow and Blue.  I was not impressed as I thought that by fitting into those two categories would mean that success would not come to me.  However, I have done even more personal development over the years and learned that you don’t need to put yourself into a specific category.  Wolf, sheep, red, blue, yellow or green.  A yellow can be a leader just as well as a red and a sheep can lead people just as well as a wolf.

So now you are asking yourself but how can this be, it doesn’t conform to what society does.  Are you ready for this?  Okay, think about the people in your life that you envy, people that you would love to be your mentor.  What qualities attract you to them?  Now take a look at your life and do a quick comparison. What is stopping you from being a leader?  Do you think you are a sheep and not a wolf?

In Network Marketing and MLM, you will see many wolves and sheep.  The wolves have a huge following of sheep, we call them sheeple.  These wolves join a company and bring their sheeple with them, and they grow this following fast for the present business.  They will do webinars, tons of videos, send out messages on social media, email marketing and create a lot of excitement.  This excitement brings in new sheep and along the way a few wolves are added to the pack.  The sheep are put all together and taught what to do, they follow the pecking order and obey the leader.  Meanwhile, the wolf picks out a few select sheep/wolves and become best buddies.  The training for these people is much different as they are being groomed to branch off the main leader to create a new following.  The big wolf in most cases will create about a dozen leaders and each leader will have a following of about 2000 followers.  This is a well thought out process to create a strong team.  All these leaders bring their immediate followers with them, immediate meaning the ones who worked harder than the rest.  Immediate followers are groomed, they are looked after and well protected by the leader.  They are hand picked to help the leader(s) reach the top of the company VERY fast. Once this is done, the leaders meet in private to discuss their new business venture.  Once they have selected a new business to join they will discuss this with a few of the sheep.  Now this is where it turns, if the sheep decide to follow, they now will become a part of the pack.  They could even possibly be groomed to become a wolf/leader if they can show they have a good number of followers.

Where am I going with all this?

I don’t like doing business like that.  I treat everyone equally.  I strongly believe that everyone deserves a chance at being successful.  The above scenario truly does happen and much too often people are used for the gains of others.  What a rotten way to treat people! I suppose that is why I decided that it was time to write this as it really bothered me seeing people treated with such disrespect.   Quite often these leaders actually are directed by corporate people to do business like that.  Shameful tactics to bring quick money to the corporation. Well, I am here to let you know that does not have to play out like that. You just need to be aware of the poor business practices of a large percentage of the companies out there.  If you are wanting to be part of an honest business that everyone works together, then you need to make sure you do your homework.  Don’t just jump into something because it is cheap.  Make sure you understand and know the person you are speaking to and how they can help you.

Some important questions you may want to consider:


Wolf or Sheep?

Doesn’t really matter, except for your own personal satisfaction.

Do you want to be successful and be respected?

Or do you want to take people down and rip them apart?

How about becoming a sheepdog and looking after people by guiding them and being respectful.

Just a thought 🙂

To be able to smile at the end of the day is a good day 🙂

Have a wonderful day everyone, if you liked this article, make sure you share it with your friends.

Thank you for your time today 🙂



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